

I write about different things. They might be interesting to you. Or not, you're your own person, I'm not going to tell you what to do.

Kill by Kill Ep. 58: This is the End, Beautiful Friend

Kill by Kill Ep. 58: This is the End, Beautiful Friend

Don’t panic, it’s not the end of the podcast. However, after an astonishing two and a half years, Patrick and I have finally reached the end of Friday the 13th as a series. It’s been a long and occasionally exhausting but ultimately rewarding run, though it’s fair to say that neither of us will be watching these movies again for a long time (such as what happens when you examine something with a fine toothed comb). Since we neither strongly liked or strongly disliked the 2009 reboot, ending it on that felt anticlimactic, so in the second half of the show we’re joined by writer Becky Wilson, who asks us the questions everyone wants to know, like “why?” and “have you nothing better to do with your lives?”

Tune in Tonight: "Christmas in Tattertown"

Tune in Tonight: "Christmas in Tattertown"

Tune in Tonight: "Noel"

Tune in Tonight: "Noel"