

I write about different things. They might be interesting to you. Or not, you're your own person, I'm not going to tell you what to do.

Kill by Kill Bonus Episode: Love Thy Brother -- No, Not Like That

Kill by Kill Bonus Episode: Love Thy Brother -- No, Not Like That

Patrick and I take a brief detour from Elm Street down a dark and grimy alley. Megan Dooley joins us as we talk about the memorably repugnant Amityville: the Possession. In one of our longest episodes yet, we have many questions. What’s the proper way to react when you find out that there’s a secret room in your house that’s filled with fecal matter and flies? Why is everyone so sweaty? Where did Father Adamsky buy his hair? What character can best be described as looking like “if a gorilla fucked an orc and they had a baby, and then they threw the baby in a river?”

On a serious note, this movie treads into some pretty grody territory, so listen with caution if necessary.

Tune in Tonight: And Now a Word From Our Sponsor (the 70s)

Tune in Tonight: And Now a Word From Our Sponsor (the 70s)

Sometimes It's a Hard World for the Little Things

Sometimes It's a Hard World for the Little Things